Creating An Academy
AACTA was established by the AFI in August 2011 following a 12 month review period.
The review sought to identify new ways of recognising screen excellence in Australia, elevating national and international understanding of Australia’s existing film and television awards, the AFI Awards, and ways in which the AFI could better represent and include the whole screen industry, including distributors, exhibitors and all screen crafts.
Culminating in the AFI’s proposal to create an ‘Australian Academy’, the review included many elements such as examining the membership, governance and awards models adopted by international screen organisations, and consulting Australia's key industry bodies, in particular each of the Guilds.
The AFI received overwhelming support for the core principals proposed under the 'Australian Academy', and paved the path for AACTA to be established. To read statements received from screen guilds and other important industry professionals in support of the establishment of an Australian Academy click here.
In line with international best-practice models, AACTA draws upon some of the well-recognised and understood elements of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (USA) and British Academy of Film and Television Arts (UK) models. These models were tailored to meet local industry needs and traditions, and to ensure that the AACTA organsiaton model and the AACTA Awards remained distinctly Australian.
Given the aim of elevating international recognition of the AACTA Awards, the Awards take place in December and January of each year in order to fall in line and engage with the international Awards period which incorporates the Golden Globes, Oscars and BAFTAs.
Footage from the launch of AACTA, can be seen here.
Thanks to the generous support of our
partners and sponsors.